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S4C International
Circuit 2025



FIAP 2025/000


PSA 2025-000


PAA 2025-000

Divisions & Sections

(All recognized by appropriate PSA Divisions)

Color Open – (PIDC)
Color Theme – (PIDC)
Monochrome – (PIDM)
Nature General – (ND)
Wildlife – (ND)
Photojournalism General – (PJD) 


Closing: May 31st, 2025
Start Judging: June 1st, 2025
End Judging: June  30th, 2025 
Notification: July 5th, 2025 
EDAS Submission: July 14th, 2025
E-Catalog:: August 30th, 2025
Awards/Galleries: September 1st, 2025

Image Specifications

Maximum digital image width (horizontal) is 1920 pixels
Maximum digital image height (vertical) is 1080 pixels

The images will be displayed for remote judging using individual monitors and laptops. The images will be displayed by each remote judge at the actual pixel dimensions submitted
The entry software will reject images that are larger than the above limits in either dimension even if it is only 1 pixel off. The exhibition will not resize any images. The maximum horizontal and vertical dimensions cannot be swapped. If you rotate your image to make it fit the limits, the exhibition will not rotate it to the proper position for judging.

Use the maximum quality for each of your .jpg images that do not result in a file size larger than 2 MB.

Entry Fees

US$25 for up to 2 sections
US$35 for up to 4 sections
US$45 for up to 6 sections

No discount will be given to
individuals or groups. 

You are not required to follow any naming convention for your .jpg files but be sure your original FILE NAME ONLY USES ENGLISH CHARACTERS. Foreign characters in the filenames can cause problems with the upload software. The on-line entry form software will properly rename your files to meet the needs of our exhibition software. Please limit titles to 35 characters including spaces and punctuation. The Entry Form software will clip any excess characters resulting in an incomplete title on the Entry Form for inclusion in the Acceptance Records. This will cause problems when applying for Star Ratings.

All Digital images must be submitted on-line using the English Alphabet only to fill-in the Projected Image Entry Form. After you have carefully read these “Information and Conditions of Entry”, and after double checking to make sure your images are no larger than 1920 pixels wide and no larger than 1080 pixels high, go to the bottom of these "Information and Conditions of Entry" and click on the DIGITAL ENTRY FORM button. When the Entry Form comes up fill it out, confirm you have read, understood, and will abide by these Conditions of Entry, attach your image files, and submit your entry. Your entry will not be submitted unless you confirm you have read these Conditions.
All digital section images must be submitted on the same entry form using the spaces provided on the form.
Digital entries on CD via postal mail will not be accepted.
If you have trouble submitting your digital images on-line please contact the Chairman by going to the Exhibition Web Site and clicking on Contact Chairman to resolve.

Borders are allowed but should only be thin strokes for Nature, Photo Travel, and Photojournalism images. Black borders will only hurt your score. Our presentation background is black and black borders will only make your images look smaller in relation to other images that are being judged.

The judging and display software operates in and assumes that the images are in sRGB color space. If you use a larger color space (such as Adobe 1998 or ProPhoto), the colors may be reduced by the judge's computer to fit the sRGB color space. This means your image may not display the way you intended; it may lose color or detail or both. To ensure that we see what you want us to see, make a copy of your image, convert the color space in the copy to sRGB, save it and send us the sRGB copy. We will not convert the image for you. Do not use CMYK color space. CMYK images will not be accepted or shown to the judges.





176 Awards Total

1 PSA Gold Medal (Best of Show)
1 FIAP Gold Medal
1 PAA Gold
1 S4C Gold
2 S4C Silver
3 S4C Bronze
2 FIAP Honorable Mention
3 Judge's Choice
Honorable Mentions (according to judges)

Apart from the PSA Gold, FIAP Gold & FIAP HMs all other awards are digital and would be sent by email.



Lillian Roberts

Address: PO Box 4027
Palm Desert, CA 92261-4027, USA 


This Exhibition is Powered by  FOTOSALONS